If I had one chance to change the world of design/the impact of branding choices/marketing campaigns companies make.

I’d sum it up in these three simple words.


It’s so simple but yet you’d be surprised at how often I see the exact opposite being done by leaders in companies.

I don’t really understand it myself, other than it’s the low hanging fruit, it’s the status quo, or maybe it’s just not rocking the boat making anyone above them unhappy. Sadly I see it play out all the time, and I bet you do too.

Ready for a story about clients running with the more/more/more idea? Well it began in a profession that requires a high level of skill and knowledge. That’s fine I’m not an expert at everything and learning about that profession’s target audience took a year or so. I was new to the design game and not good at defending logical marketing ideas. I did good work and enjoyed the role and learning experiences. What forever stuck with me though was a phone call we all had together with a marketing consultant, and that made me realize how easy it is to accept bad ideas from leadership.

On that call we discussed a poster I’d designed/redesigned 5 times and how it had way too much text on it.

The irony was I’d brought that up to my manager and boss several times…

Yet here this consultant said it and wasn’t taken seriously either haha…I still remember the fun quotes:

“they’re smart and like to read…”

”it’s just a poster, it’s not supposed to have a lot of words!”

(me internally laughing)

”well they’re smart and like to read…”

Needless to say the consultant was right, but that didn’t change leadership’s thoughts on marketing…

I started LEGENDERRY™ with the intention of partnering with small businesses, nonprofits, and churches that believe not only in their mission but also in what I can offer from a creative and marketing perspective. My goal isn’t just to design something pretty and leave them on their own—I’m here to help them craft a brand that speaks directly to their audience and delivers results.

That doesn’t happen when we play it safe. We have to be willing to step out of the boat and believe we can walk on water. We have to dream big dreams and say “why wouldn’t that work?”

I read a wonderful book on branding called The Brand Gap by Marty Neumeier. Highly recommend it! He lays out so many interesting ideas, but one that really sticks with me is this.

Lots of people zig, but we should strive to zag.

The idea is based on everyone is either going to be zig or zag, zig or zag, but most of us will go with the comfortable option. The most boring option that has guaranteed results, but does it? I find most marketing related things in life tend to be knockoffs of something really cool. Especially with today trends and desire to go viral on social media, influencers that make original things are trendsetters. Everyone else is just a follower.

Instead of just following trends let’s set them.


We can start by getting rid of excess content, excess copying, excess Chat-GPT-croc-a-doodle.

Seriously I believe this wholeheartedly in design, marketing, branding, pizza, etc.

If you want more than design—if you want a creative partner who sees the bigger picture—let’s work together to create something truly legendary.



Introducing the new flag of the State of Illinois… Maybe…